

Tajikistan is a land of the highest peaks as 93 % of the area is occupied by mountains, strong glaciers, swift rapid rivers, of unique in its beauty lakes, unique flora and rare animals.

General information

The area: 143, 1 thousand square km.. The length of the territory from east to west is 700 km, from north to south is 350 km. The highest point from the level of sea is a peak Ismail Samani 7495 m
The population: over 8 million 400 000 people.
Population density: The density is 57,2 people to one sq.km. Average life expectancy: 67, 6
Population structure: Tajik 68,8 %, Russian 3 %, Uzbeks 24,9 %, Kyrgyz 1,1 %.
Administrative division: 3 regions and 17 cities
Capital of Uzbekistan: Dushanbe city with population of 764 000 people
Language: the Tajik language is a state language;
Religion: Islam - 85 %, Christianity - 10 %, 5 % - other confessions
Climate: sharp continental and dry.
The main rivers: Syrdarya, Amudarya, Panj, Vakhsh, Kafirnigan, Bartang and Zarafshan.
Time: across Greenwich + 5 hours
The Internet a zone:.tj
The international telephone code of Tajikistan: +992
National currency: Somoni