

Kyrgyzstan is the country of high mountains, fertile valleys and beautiful lakes.

General information

The area: 198, 5 thousand square km.. The length of the territory from east to west is 900 km, from north to south is 410 km. The highest point from the level of sea is a peak Pobeda with an altitude 7439 m. (the most northern seven thousandth peak on the earth).
The population: over 6 million people.
Population density: 33,6 % is urban, 64,4 % is rural population. Average life expectancy: 70, 6
Population structure: Kyrgyz 72,9 %, Russian 5, 9 %, Uzbeks 14,6 %.
Administrative division: 7 regions
Capital of Uzbekistan: Bishkek city with a population of 923 thousand people
Language: the Kyrgyz language is a state language; Russian language is also used by major part of population
Religion: Islam - 75 %, Christianity - 20 %, 5 % - other confessions
Climate: sharp continental.
The main rivers: Syrdarya, Amudarya, Chu, Talas, Ili, Tarim
Time: across Greenwich + 5 hours
The Internet a zone: .kz
The international telephone code of Kyrgyzstan: +996
National currency: Som